Berita Visum Luka Payudara Manohara has been the latest to appear on the Indonesian mass media
After undergoing examination in Markas Besar (Mabes) of the Republic of Indonesia Police (Police), Manohara directly to slide Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in order to make vise for the purpose of investigation.
During less than one hour to complete the name of the owner Manohara Odelia Pinot is examined by a doctor visa Abdul Mun'im Idries and dr. Khaida space in the Department of Medical and forensic Medikolegal Faculty of Medicine (FK), University of Indonesia (UI), Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Tuesday (9 / 6) afternoon.
"Visa that must be done, there must be a letter of investigation. This Visum Now it is complete, as this report is to be the court that investigators are required," said Hotman Paris Hutapea, the power law Manohara.
The results remain the same, between the first report made on the Manohara Monday (8 / 6) afternoon, with the official report today. "There are wounds in the body and the sekujur private. We are only waiting for the results of blood tests and psychological only," Hotman said.
All standard procedures that traveled by Mano - so she popular called- also do a blood test and urine, with the two officers be under guard investigator, Arif Eko and the Domestic Violence (domestic violence) Mabes police. "Here is the most important issues of persecution and have been completed," Hotman lawyer press.
In the future, the report will be submitted to the Mano Mabes Police. "After all the results come out, both results psychological tests and the new blood we submit to Mabes, so stay Mabes do additional investigation," Hotman supplement.
Referring to the results of the previous report, Mano confess scar resulting from the acceptance of violence in April, the effects of smoking on the brow sundutan and injured former iron on the neck is difficult to see with the eyes kasat.
"Mano are not visible, the wound can not be seen Mano kasat eye. The doctor also ask where? Finally doctors use glass and the doctor said there is a difference between the skin," said Mano. "It said the doctor, not a me-there," tekannya.
However, results from the report made this day a doctor find a seam of experienced Manohara. Injury is caused due to rape a Mano had suffered at the time in Lombok. "He was a strong force me to split my genitals, doctors have now been reviewed and seen," said Mano gentle.

After undergoing examination in Markas Besar (Mabes) of the Republic of Indonesia Police (Police), Manohara directly to slide Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in order to make vise for the purpose of investigation.
During less than one hour to complete the name of the owner Manohara Odelia Pinot is examined by a doctor visa Abdul Mun'im Idries and dr. Khaida space in the Department of Medical and forensic Medikolegal Faculty of Medicine (FK), University of Indonesia (UI), Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Tuesday (9 / 6) afternoon.
"Visa that must be done, there must be a letter of investigation. This Visum Now it is complete, as this report is to be the court that investigators are required," said Hotman Paris Hutapea, the power law Manohara.
The results remain the same, between the first report made on the Manohara Monday (8 / 6) afternoon, with the official report today. "There are wounds in the body and the sekujur private. We are only waiting for the results of blood tests and psychological only," Hotman said.
All standard procedures that traveled by Mano - so she popular called- also do a blood test and urine, with the two officers be under guard investigator, Arif Eko and the Domestic Violence (domestic violence) Mabes police. "Here is the most important issues of persecution and have been completed," Hotman lawyer press.
In the future, the report will be submitted to the Mano Mabes Police. "After all the results come out, both results psychological tests and the new blood we submit to Mabes, so stay Mabes do additional investigation," Hotman supplement.
Referring to the results of the previous report, Mano confess scar resulting from the acceptance of violence in April, the effects of smoking on the brow sundutan and injured former iron on the neck is difficult to see with the eyes kasat.
"Mano are not visible, the wound can not be seen Mano kasat eye. The doctor also ask where? Finally doctors use glass and the doctor said there is a difference between the skin," said Mano. "It said the doctor, not a me-there," tekannya.
However, results from the report made this day a doctor find a seam of experienced Manohara. Injury is caused due to rape a Mano had suffered at the time in Lombok. "He was a strong force me to split my genitals, doctors have now been reviewed and seen," said Mano gentle.

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