Fitri Ayu sweet faces are not foreign anymore decorate glass screen sinetron Indonesia. This time, the screen is wide ranging dijelajahinya.
No responsibility - responsibility in action. First world debut in the big screen, Fitri Ayu directly play with a pair of Queen Horror Film Indonesia, Suzanna, in the latest horror movie Indika Entertainment production titled "Hantu Ambulance" Koya Pagayo works director.
"Hantu Ambulance is the first I bid for berakting on the big screen. INCIDENTAL only Horror theme. Latah I do not, I can relate bid in this horror movie. Actual jobs of many more. But I still have to await a decision from the PH and I have to think again where the role of stories and the best of the existing bid. I am so dizzy own bid abis many correct play. "
Though many have tried a variety of roles in sinetron, but for Fitri ayu, play in the big screen had a solitary satisfaction.
"Besides syutingnya that short time, I have many opportunities to draw from experience, many senior artists. Makanya bid every play that came to me, I really benera consider once. Because the right opportunity does not come twice," his him.
No responsibility - responsibility in action. First world debut in the big screen, Fitri Ayu directly play with a pair of Queen Horror Film Indonesia, Suzanna, in the latest horror movie Indika Entertainment production titled "Hantu Ambulance" Koya Pagayo works director.
"Hantu Ambulance is the first I bid for berakting on the big screen. INCIDENTAL only Horror theme. Latah I do not, I can relate bid in this horror movie. Actual jobs of many more. But I still have to await a decision from the PH and I have to think again where the role of stories and the best of the existing bid. I am so dizzy own bid abis many correct play. "
Though many have tried a variety of roles in sinetron, but for Fitri ayu, play in the big screen had a solitary satisfaction.
"Besides syutingnya that short time, I have many opportunities to draw from experience, many senior artists. Makanya bid every play that came to me, I really benera consider once. Because the right opportunity does not come twice," his him.

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