Hair and New Album Marshanda - Marshanda that looks different with the new hair style bangs and look straight blonde look more mature, more coquettish and may also be spelled scampish.
New Images Hair Marshanda
Referred from various sources on the internet, new hair Marshanda is also a part as well as to support the new album is released soon so that the potential seems simple and appropriate. But this far Marshanda are not many comments, but he also had a stall if the new appearance is not related to the new album.
So far many fans praised the new hair looks so chacha a nickname for Marshanda, but not infrequently also the be in the pouts, and Marshanda states that now is not the first Marshanda visible cute and taciturn.
Look The New Hair Style of Chaca|Marsanda/Model Rambut baru Marshanda

New Images Hair Marshanda
Referred from various sources on the internet, new hair Marshanda is also a part as well as to support the new album is released soon so that the potential seems simple and appropriate. But this far Marshanda are not many comments, but he also had a stall if the new appearance is not related to the new album.
So far many fans praised the new hair looks so chacha a nickname for Marshanda, but not infrequently also the be in the pouts, and Marshanda states that now is not the first Marshanda visible cute and taciturn.
Look The New Hair Style of Chaca|Marsanda/Model Rambut baru Marshanda

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Model Baru Rambut Marshanda
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Model Baru Rambut Marshanda
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