Olivia Lubis Jensen is a newcomer in the role of the arts of Indonesia. Daughter pair, and Benny Jensen Viverina Lubis initiated his career as a model of a youth magazine.
Careers actress born Denmark, 11 April 1993 was mulus. In casting a film, he immediately selected as the main player in the film CINTA BUKAN usual. In addition to becoming the main, it also appears in the video clip No Ordinary Love that brought Afgan. This song became the theme song this film.
At this time that Olivia has a twin brother of this, living in Bandung, and still was a student Bandung International School.
Careers actress born Denmark, 11 April 1993 was mulus. In casting a film, he immediately selected as the main player in the film CINTA BUKAN usual. In addition to becoming the main, it also appears in the video clip No Ordinary Love that brought Afgan. This song became the theme song this film.
At this time that Olivia has a twin brother of this, living in Bandung, and still was a student Bandung International School.

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Foto|Profil Olivia Lubis Jansen
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