Nabila Syakieb is woman bleed the Arab of birth Bogor, 18 November 1985 which have profession to as actress sinetron in Indonesia.

Nabila of early career as model. He is plunged to world of entertainment amusement of since have age to 16 year, moment get away the casting sinetron " Cinta SMU" as Putri. Woman bleed this Arab more and more recognized by a moment star " Anakku Bukan Anakku" stared with Roger Danuarta.

Other Sinetron is which have stared of for example Select;Choose I, The most Love, * Taqwa * together Indra Lesmana Bruggman and Darling. In Sinetron Darling, this University Paramadina coed play together the Baim Wong. Afterwards Nabila play the sinetron Queen by Christian is Sugiono of but its story is newest and briefest is same sinetron Love bareng of other Christian Sugiono star and like Giovani L. Tobing, Alice Norin.
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